Friday, April 30, 2010


Okay, seriously, if Greece's government, and its people, aren't willing to change their ways, what's the damned point of giving them any financing . . . it's just going to be eaten up in a short period of time. Nope, until they figure their own fiscal problems out, screw 'em!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

No More HFCS

I have officially given up high-fructose corn syrup. I've seen enough studies to get that it's going to kill me in the long-term. The biggest impact will of course be that I have to move from Coca-Cola to cane cola, which is available, but not as readily.

I'd like to thank Coca-Cola. It's been a good friend, and I will miss it.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Stupid ****ing Keyboard Feet

Does anyone else get completely frustrated by the little keyboard feet that you flip out? My keyboard at the office now has both broken, and one of them on my home keyboard (I use the same keyboard, an MS Ergonomic or it would be too much of a change in both places) just broke yesterday. So I have to find a post-it pad the right height to prop up those three corners.

You'd really think they'd have a better system by now, or throw in 4-6 spares with every keyboard or something. Gggrrrrrr .....................

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Puppies

Happy Easter everyone! For those of you that don't already know, Heather and I have selected a new puppy to join the household on Tuesday (06-April). A cute little girl sheltie. Heather and I are still vigorously (and I do mean vigorously) debating names.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

H1N1 Crock Of S***

Yes, it's good to be prepared. But man, did everyone go COMPLETELY OVER THE TOP with this whole H1N1 thing or what. Still today, has the following plastered on the front page of their H1N1 page:

The President's Council of Advisors anticipates that 2009 H1N1 influenza may infect half of the US population, require 1.8 million hospitalizations, and result in 30,000-90,000 deaths. WHO predicts that within 2 years nearly one third of the world's population will have been infected with the 2009 strain of H1N1. Stay up-to-date as reporting and management guidelines continue to evolve.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Local Broadcasters

I still think the CRTC made a grievous error this time around. Yes, the cable companies benefit from having the local stations available in their service packages. BUT, and this is a big but, the broadcasters also benefit from having their station shown on the cable services as well. Tit-for-tat if you will.

If they start charging for these local stations, I should have the option to opt out, and I may skip some local channels, especially if there's a high-def option that's not local (i.e., our high def CTV station is not the local one, frankly I could just skip the local CTV station entirely, as I could CITY-TV, which is pretty much a bunch of crap).

Monday, March 22, 2010


Back from a weekend in Jasper. Skiing was great, weather was great. We ended up at two places to eat I thought I'd pass along:

Evil Dave's - oh my god this is the greatest place for food. excellent menu, excellent food, great service. the staff kept passing with other dishes and everyone would look and ogle as it went by. good deserts too. this place could make it anywhere.

L&W - used to be decent but man it completely sucks now, you're better off going just about anywhere else other than here, stay away at all costs.